Matija Vuica
Matija Vuica: Designerica, pjevačica, kostimografkinja - porijeklom iz Metkovića, a sa stalnim boravkom u Zagrebu od 1978. god. Pjevačku karijeru započela je s grupom TROTAKT PROJEKT 1981. godine. Alternativni Rock novovalnog prizvuka koji je grupa njegovala, te poseban image, svrstao ih je u kultne bandove 80ih. Poslije će grupa promjeniti ime u GRACIA, čiju okosnicu do danas čine Matija Vuica i Jurica Popović. Istovremeno s pjevačkom krenula je i designerska karijera te je već na prvom samostalnom koncertu grupe Trotakt projekt Matija prezentirala i svoju prvu kolekciju (Kulušić, Zagreb,1981.). Tjekom 80-tih aktivno sudjeluje u mnogim modnim manifestacijama kao dio “alternativne zagrebačke modne scene”.
90-tih ta njena ljubav prema modi prerasta u profesionalnu karijeru iako ona voli reći da se samo igra s krpicama. Te godine su je definitivno etablirale kao kreatoricu unikatnih večernjih haljina. U svom radu uvijek poseže za najfinijim svilama i čipkama zbog čega postaje omiljena posebno kod hrvatskih celebritija. Gotovo da nema javne osobe koja nije nosila njenu haljinu. Iako voli raditi samostalne modne revije, zadnjih godina sudjelovala je na, njoj omiljenom modnom događaju, Cro-a Porteru, te se svojim kolekcijama večernjih haljina i vjenčanica potpuno izdvojila u vrh hrvatske modne scene. Posebno je tražena zbog unikatne izrade vjenčanica po mjeri rađenih isključivo od svilenih šifona, taftova, satena i čipke koja je na svakoj vjenčanici drugačija. Matijin rad na modnom planu privukao je pažnju kazališnih redatelja te već odavno djeluje i kao kostimografkinja. U tom smislu surađivala je s imenima kao što su : Vladimir.Habunek (Kapetan Oliver), Vlado Štefančić (Kosa, Dan od amora, Dundo Maroje, Ivana), Peter Farago (Pidžama za šestero), Joško Juvančić (Čelična magnolija), Damir Zlatar Frey (Slavuj i ruža, Filio ni doma, Saloma), Sally Burgess (W. A.Mozart - Cosi Fan Tutte)...
Matija Vuica
Matija Vuica: designer, singer, costume designer - originally from Metković, with permanent residence in Zagreb since 1978. Her singing career started in 1981. with a group called TROTAKT PROJEKT. Alternative new wave rock sound the group cherished, alongside with an unique image, classified them as a cult band of the 80's. Later on, the group changes its name to GRACIA, whose bone structure, till this date consists of Matija Vuica and Jurica Popović. Simultaneously with singing career, her designer career takes off so that her first collection is presented on the very first independent show of the group Trotakt (Kulušić, Zagreb, 1981.). During 80's she is an active participant of many fashion manifestations as a part of the "Zagreb alternative scene".
In the 90's her love for fashion transforms into a professional career although she likes to say that she's only playing with rags. These are the years that established her as a creator of unique evening gowns. In her work she always chooses the most luxury silk and lace so she quickly became celebrities favorite designer. There are just a few public figures in Croatia that haven't wore her dresses. Although she prefer independent fashion shows, over the last years she has been a part of her favorite fashion event, Cro-a Porter, she extricated herself in the top of Croatian fashion scene with her evening gowns and wedding dresses. In particular she is sought for unique craftsmanship of tailored wedding dresses made exclusively from silk chiffon, taffeta, satin and lace that are different on every gown. Matija's work in the field of fashion attracted attention among the theater industry so she has been working as a theater costume designer for years now. In that sense she collaborated with names like: Vladimir Habunek (Captain Oliver), Vlado Štefančić (Hair, Amour's day, Dundo Maroje, Ivana), Petar Farago (Nightgown for six), Joško Juvančić (Steel magnolia), Damir Zlatar Frey (Nightingale and a rose, Fillio's not home, Saloma), Sally Burgess (W.A. Mozart - Cosi Fan Tutte)...